On Saturday November 18th, WFCM held our annual Thanksgiving Food distribution. Many generous local congregations and organizations provided 1,000 boxes of groceries, including canned vegetables, canned fruit, chicken broth, rice, brownie or cake mix, sugar, oil, flour and juice. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Centreville Stake) provided hundreds of fresh food items, including milk, eggs, butter, and potatoes, and additional congregation and organization partners provided funds for the remainder of the fresh food items, including onions, rolls, apples, oranges, chickens, and turkeys.
Due to this generosity, staff and volunteers were able to provide 700 families with Thanksgiving groceries during the drive-thru distribution on Saturday (with large families receiving two boxes along with the fresh food items). Monday through Wednesday, we will continue to serve 100+ additional families who are clients of Centreville Immigration Forum, WFCM clients who need deliveries, and WFCM families who could not attend on Saturday.
Special thanks to the Sully District Boy Scouts and Michael Adere for directing traffic, as well as Fairfax County Government Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Jeff McKay and his Chief of Staff Clayton Medford for taking the time to visit and learn more about our client-choice food pantry and Thanksgiving food distribution.

It takes many #CaringConnections to ensure our neighbors have groceries to prepare a Thanksgiving meal, but #Togetherwecandoit!